
Bundle:ataGlance:WritingParagraphsandBeyond,withIntegratedReadings,;KellyBrandon.,Effectiveandaffordable,theSixthEditionofATAGLANCE:WRITINGPARAGRAPHSANDBEYOND,WITHINTEGRATEDREADINGSguidesstudentsthrough ...,供應中評分5.0(14)AtaGlance─WritingParagraphsandBeyond,WithIntegratedReadings.ISBN:9781285444680.作者:Brandon,Lee.出版社:CengageLearning.出版日期:2014/01/01.,...

Bundle : at a Glance

Bundle : at a Glance : Writing Paragraphs and Beyond, with Integrated Readings, 6th + at a Glance. by: Lee Brandon; Kelly Brandon.

At a Glance

Effective and affordable, the Sixth Edition of AT A GLANCE: WRITING PARAGRAPHS AND BEYOND, WITH INTEGRATED READINGS guides students through ...

At a Glance Writing Paragraphs and Beyond, With Integrated ...

供應中 評分 5.0 (14) At a Glance ─ Writing Paragraphs and Beyond, With Integrated Readings. ISBN:9781285444680. 作者:Brandon, Lee. 出版社:Cengage Learning. 出版日期:2014/01/01.

At a Glance: Paragraphs, 6e 一看就懂的文法書:寫作段落篇

供應中 評分 5.0 (18) 掌握作文的基本寫作技巧,分13 章探討:主詞與動詞的關係、句子的種類、句子的組合、連接詞、動詞、代名詞、形容詞與副詞、標點符號等,從句子到文章完整介紹。

At a Glance: Paragraphs - Brandon, Lee: Books

At a Paragraphs guides students through the basics of prewriting, paragraph structure, and developing a paragraph in different rhetorical modes.

At a Glance: Paragraphs

已售完 書名:At a Glance: Paragraphs,語言:英文,ISBN:0618542272,頁數:215,作者:Brandon, Lee,出版日期:2005/12/21,類別:語言學習.

At a Glance Paragraphs 6th Edition

書名:At a Glance Paragraphs 6th Edition,語言:英語,ISBN:9781285444680,出版社:Cengage Learning,作者:Brandon, Lee,出版日期:2014/01/01,類別:

At A Glance Paragraphs (新書、二手書、電子書)

出版社:N/A,作者:Lee Brandon,出版日期:20050201,ISBN:9780618542277,【二手徵求好處多】